Unlock the potential of your business with DuCIRCLE

Increase customer engagement and retention with our powerful loyalty program


To bring your customers back time and time again

Customer Acquisition

With DuCIRCLE get discovered by the largest network of shoppers in Iraq. We’re making it easy for businesses to capture the identities of interested customers, convert them to in-store visitors, and then retarget them to keep them coming back.

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Targeted Strategy

No business is the same, so why should your loyalty program be. Our experienced team will collaborate with you to gain deep knowledge of your business, your market and your customers, to develop loyalty strategies that can drive footprint and spend.

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Powerful Analytics

We help you to drive your business forward with powerful analytics that can give you a truly holistic view of your customers behavior. Then we help you to build loyalty strategies and programs that keeps them coming back – time and time again.

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Digitalized Experience

Today’s tech-savvy customers are your tomorrow’s loyal customers. With the DuCIRCLE app you will be placed in the forefront of digital innovation to engage with them wherever they go with just a few taps.

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Marketing Automation

With the use of AutoPilot you can deliver offers that works on critical moments in your customer’s journey, such as a birthday, first-time visitor, sign-up and so on – to truly show them you value their loyalty.

Let DuCIRCLE Grow Your Business

To bring your customers back time The only modern loyalty platform in Iraq designed to transform the way businesses understand and reach their customers.